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JLR Journey Animation Demo

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London to Glasgow

Journey type: Intercity travel along major motorways

Distance travelled: 405 miles

Time journey time: 8 hours

Time spent charging: 1 hour

Number of stops: 3

Similar international journey: New York to Washington D.C. – chargepoints along the route are operated by 8 different networks.

Key issue: Interoperability and reliability.

  • You need to download and register on 11 separate apps before leaving to ensure you have the ability to charge and pay at different charge points along the way.
  • If it takes you 15 minutes to download and register your details on one app, then this means you have to spend nearly 3 hours downloading and registering on apps before your journey even begins.
  • Unreliable chargepoints can add both anxiety and inconvenience when planning long journeys in an EV.
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Grocery Shopping and Commuting in Matlock

Journey type: Driving in semi-rural or rural areas

Distance travelled: 3 miles

Time journey time: 3 hours and 15 minutes

Time spent charging: 3 hours

Number of stops: 3

Similar international journey: The town of Waren, Germany has a population of 21,000 people and only 2 public chargepoints.

Key issue: Insufficient fast chargers outside of urban areas

  • There are only 6 unrestricted chargepoints in your local town, none of which are rapid chargers.
  • Since you do not have the ability to charge at home, you have to spend multiple hours at one of the few on-street chargepoints in town.
  • This can become an issue when the nearby chargepoints are in use or out of service, meaning you have to drive several miles out of your way to find another chargepoint.
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Holyhead to Cardiff

Journey type: Inter-city travel without major motorways

Distance travelled: 199 miles

Time journey time: 6 hours

Time spent charging: 1 hours and 15 minutes

Number of stops: 1

Similar international journey: The hour and a half journey between Hinoemata and Kaneyama, Fukushima in Japan only has two chargepoints along it.

Key issue: Range anxiety due to insufficient chargers

  • In areas where on-street charging is scarce and EV drivers do not have the ability to charge at home, charging an EV can add several hours onto a journey.
  • Going on a journey with long stretches of road without any available chargepoints can be nerve-wracking for EV drivers, especially considering it means they must rely on one or two chargepoints being in service and available for them to complete their trip.
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This is an H3 heading

And this is h3a, a new heading style that's less than H3

And then this is body copy underneath

Lithium-ion battery production capacity
  Current battery capacity (GWh, 2021)
EU 2766



Rank: 6th                                                                                Score: 42%

Top 3 for: Source of electricity from renewables; interoperability and reliability

Bottom 3 for: Price of electricity; electricity grid infrastructure

ICE phase out date (6th)

Germany is part of the ZEV Alliance and has therefore set the target of all passenger vehicle sales to be ZEV by 2050. However, this is not binding and yet to be yet rreflected in the national Climate Action Plan.

Germany is doing relatively well with its progress towards net zero, although it has failed to commit to a binding ICE phase out date (despite being part of the ZEV Alliance). Despite this, Germany has promising projected lithium-ion battery production expectations, with the current capacity to produce 11GWh (17%) of the EU’s total and 164 GWh by 2025.1 Germany also offers strong purchase subsidies for EVs, with high levels of funding going into infrastructure and R&D.

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